Charity Lawyers in Spain
Reliable, efficient support for Spanish foundations and foreign charities.
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Spanish Charity Law
Scudamore Law is a reliable source of information, providing sound advice and the efficient resolution of issues posed by differences in the Spanish legal, tax and regulatory system.
We advise and assist with:
Spanish Foundations
- Tax and legal implications of operating a foreign non profit charity in Spain
- Constitution/registration & closing down of Spanish foundations
- Regulatory compliance
Non Resident Foreign Charities
- Inheritance procedure in Spain
- Taxation of legacies to non resident charities
- Realization of estate assets in Spain
Whatever the issue may be, whether it’s lack of information about Spanish legal requirements, doubts about whether Spanish Inheritance Tax has to be paid or merely checking there are no gaps in your processes, Scudamore Law is a reliable source of information, providing clarity, guidance and the efficient and effective resolution of the issue.
Spanish foundations
We provide a full range of corporate and commercial legal services for our charity clients:
- Constitution of new foundations, associations and branches
- Governance
- Compliance and regulatory work
- Legacy management and legacy disputes
- Tax
- Commercial contracts
- Protection of intellectual property rights
- Data protection
In addition to specialist charity law advice, we also provide expert advice and services to our non-profit clients in other areas such as Employment law, Tax Advice and Tax Planning in relation to the taxation of trusts assets/income in Spain and Dispute Resolution and Litigation.
Non resident foreign charities
We help foreign charities realize legacies of assets left to them in Spain.
We represent UK, Irish and other foreign charities in probate proceedings in Spain, advising on Spanish taxation of charitable legacies and assisting with the sale of the property and the distribution of the proceeds.
We are sensitive to the ethical and reputational considerations to which charities are subject.
- We provide legal advice on Spanish succession law and issues such as the compulsory heirship rights reserved to children and spouses of the deceased, which may reduce the amount of the legacy.
- When representing charities’ interests, we take into account the trustees’ duty to protect the charity’s assets and act in its best interests, as well as the ethical and reputational considerations to which charities are subject. Sensitive to the stringent accounting, disclosure and reporting requirement incumbent upon charities and legacy officers, we advise on issues of liability assessment, entitlement and measurement of legacy income.
- Scudamore Law acts in contested probate proceedings before the Spanish courts in cases involving disputes as to domicile/applicable law, claims of undue influence or lack of mental capacity, or the enforceability of foreign Wills.
- We represent you in dealings with notaries, banks and land registrars concerning issues of foreign law posed by the succession, as well as with practical matters such as the location of assets, negotiations with the other heirs or claimants, payment of Spanish inheritance tax and the final distribution of the Spanish property to the beneficiaries or sale and division of the proceeds.
- We advise on Spanish taxation of gifts to foreign charities, gains accruing after the date of death, property and other taxes, and assist with the recovery of withholding and other taxes paid to the tax authorities.
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Tel. UK: +44 207 097 5550
Tel. Spain: +34 915 939 126